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Forthcoming Paper

“Valuation Risk in Mutual Fund Portfolio Disclosure” by Hsiu-lang Chen

Winners of the RAPS Awards

The winners of the annual RAPS Awards were announced at the virtual Awards Reception on May 25 as part of the SFS Cavalcade. We are pleased to share the winners: Best Paper Award “Preventing Controversial Catastrophes” Steven D. Baker, Burton Hollifield, and Emilio Osambela Prize: $10,000 Referee of the Year Juhani Linnainmaa Prize: $1000 Rising Scholar Award “Publication Bias and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns” Andrew Y. Chen and Tom Zimmermann Prize:… Read More »Winners of the RAPS Awards

Editor’s Choice

The Editor’s Choice paper for issue 11(2) is “Zero-Coupon Yields and the Cross-Section of Bond Prices” by N. Aaron Pancost. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read on our publisher’s web site.

Forthcoming Paper

“Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets” by Thomas Andreas Maurer, Thuy Duong To, and Ngoc-Khanh Tran

Forthcoming Paper

“Volatility-of-Volatility Risk in Asset Pricing” by Te-Feng Chen, Tarun Chordia, San-Lin Chung, and JC Lin

Forthcoming Paper

“Active and Passive Investing” by Nicolae Gârleanu and Lasse Heje Pedersen

Announcing the Next Executive Editor of RAPS

We are very pleased to announce that Zhiguo He has agreed to serve as the next Executive Editor of RAPS. He will serve as a RAPS editor starting on July 1, 2021, and will begin as the executive editor on  January 1, 2022. Zhiguo is the Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Previously Zhiguo was an Associate Editor of the… Read More »Announcing the Next Executive Editor of RAPS

Forthcoming Paper

“Global Risk in Long-Term Sovereign Debt” by Nicola Borri and Kirill Shakhnov

Forthcoming Paper

“Fundamental Arbitrage under the Microscope: Evidence from Detailed Hedge Fund Transaction Data” by Bastian von Beschwitz, Sandro Lunghi, and Daniel Schmidt