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RAPS Keynote Speaker

RAPS is pleased to announce that Chester Spatt (Carnegie Mellon University) will be the RAPS Keynote Speaker at Cavalcade North America 2022. The keynote will take place on Tuesday, May 24.

Forthcoming Paper

“Why do Predicted Stock Issuers Earn Low Returns?” by Charles M. C. Lee and Ken Li

New Issue: March 12(1)

The March issue of RAPS has published! The Editor’s Choice paper is: “Embedded Leverage” Andrea Frazzini, Lasse Heje Pedersen

Forthcoming Paper

“Liquidation Cascade and Anticipatory Trading: Evidence from the Structured Equity Product Market” by Jun Kyung Auh and Wonho Cho

Forthcoming Paper

“Investor Information Choice with Macro and Micro Information” by Paul Glasserman and Harry Mamaysky

Forthcoming Paper

“Asset-Pricing Implications of Firms’ Government Sales Dependency” by Bharat Raj Parajuli

Editorial Team Updates

The SFS is grateful to Jeffrey Pontiff, who is retiring as Executive Editor of RAPS on December 31. Jeffrey has been with RAPS since the beginning, serving first as an Editor and then as Executive Editor. We thank him for his long-term dedication to RAPS. Please join us in welcoming Zhiguo He as the next Executive Editor of RAPS. Zhiguo is currently an Editor and will move to the Executive… Read More »Editorial Team Updates

Forthcoming Paper

“Asset Pricing Tests of Infrequently Traded Securities: The Case of Municipal Bonds” by Yao-Tsung Chen, Chunchi Wu, and Chung-Ying Yeh