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Forthcoming Papers

“Capital Structure Priority Effects in Durations, Stock-Bond Comovements, and Factor Pricing Models” by Jaewon Choi, Matthew Richardson, and Robert Whitelaw “Inventory-Constrained Underwriters and Corporate Bond Offerings” by Florian Nagler and Giorgio Ottonello

Forthcoming Paper

“The Marketing Capability Premium” by Tze Chuan Ang, Tarun Chordia, Vivian Mai, and Harminder Singh

Forthcoming Paper

“Revealed Heuristics: Evidence from Investment Consultants’ Search Behavior” by Sudheer Chava, Soohun Kim, and Daniel Weagley

Forthcoming Paper

“Characterizing the Variance Risk Premium: The Role of the Leverage Effect” by Guanglian Hu, Kris Jacobs, and Sang Byung Seo

Forthcoming Paper

“Learning from Noise? Price and Liquidity Spillovers around Mutual Fund Fire Sales” by Pekka Honkanen and Daniel Schmidt

Editor’s Choice

The Editor’s Choice paper for issue 11(2) is “Disagreement after News: Gradual Information Diffusion or Differences of Opinion?” by Anastassia Fedyk. Editor’s Choice papers are free to read on our publisher’s web site.

Forthcoming Paper

“Working Remotely and the Supply-Side Impact of COVID-19” by Dimitris Papanikolaou and Lawrence David Warren Schmidt

Forthcoming Papers

“Measuring Operating Leverage” by Huafeng Jason Chen, Jason V. Chen, Feng Li, and Pengfei Li “Firm Characteristics and Global Stock Returns: A Conditional Asset Pricing Model” by Steffen Windmueller