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Editors Joining the RFS Team

RFS is pleased to announce the appointment of two new Editors: Holger Mueller and Manju Puri.

Holger Mueller is the Nomura Professor of Finance at New York University Stern School of Business, a research associate at The National Bureau of Economic Research, a research associate at the European Corporate Governance Institute, and a research fellow at The Center for Economic and Policy Research. Holger will join the RFS team on May 1.

Manju Puri is the J. B. Fuqua Professor at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, serves as Senior Advisor of the Center for Financial Research at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and is on the Advisory Board of the Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Manju will begin her term on August 1.

Please join us in welcoming Holger and Manju.