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Editorial Team Changes

We extend our gratitude to Philip Strahan and Stijn Van Niewerburgh, who are retiring as editors of RFS. Phil has been an editor since 2014 and Stijn since 2016. Both previously served as associate editors. We thank them for their service to the journal.

We are pleased to share that Lauren Cohen has been renewed for another 3-year term as an editor.

We are also grateful to our retiring associate editors:

Henrik Cronqvist
Ran Duchin
Isil Erel
Dirk Hackbarth
Lalitha Naveen
Paolo Pasquariello

and welcome our incoming associate editors:

Tobias Berg (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Anna Cieslak (Duke University)
Andra Ghent (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Arthur Korteweg (University of Southern California)
Juhani Linnainmaa (Dartmouth College)
Justin Murfin (Cornell University)
Giorgia Piacentino (Columbia University)
David Solomon (Boston College).